Our relationships affects our mental, emotional and physical health.

Family & Relationship Counselling | Bentleigh

The quality of our relationships affects our mental, emotional and physical health. The health risks from childhood trauma or an unhealthy relationship is strongly related to poor mental health.

How can Family counselling help?

Relationship & family counselling can address current issues and develop strategies for overcoming

  • Feeling heard and learning to listen to each other, paying attention to non-verbal signals, communicating clearly and assertively.

  • Addressing the impact of poor mental health or behavioural challenges upon the whole family unit.

  • Learning to effectively resolve conflict when emotions run high .

  • Learning what we want and communicating our needs to family members.

Our specialised family counselling provides a number of benefits:

  • Family mediation

  • Specialist communication skills training and coaching

  • Assertiveness skills training

  • Social skills training

Need more information on Family relationship counselling?