Anxiety Counselling | Bentleigh

It is normal to feel anxious or worried at times. Everyone does. In fact, a moderate amount of anxiety can be good. It helps you respond appropriately to real danger, and it can help motivate you to perform at work and at home

Exaggerated and persistent feelings panic and worry and or your mind cannot seem to shut off, you may be experiencing one or more anxiety conditions as well as depression.

There are different types of anxiety disorders with the most common.

  • Feeling anxious without reason and your worries disrupt your daily life.

  • Everyday social interactions cause significant anxiety, self-consciousness and embarrassment because you fear being scrutinized or judged negatively by others.

  • An episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack, or even dying.

  • Characterised by a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions), that lead you to do repetitive behaviours (compulsions) that interfere with daily life and cause significant distress.

It's important to seek counselling early, as your symptoms may not go away on their own and if left untreated, they can start to take over your life.

If you'd like to learn how to manage your anxiety, we encourage you to contact us.